The History and Origins of the Lykoi or Wolf Cat Breed

The Lykoi cat is an unusual breed with a unique appearance. Usually referred to as the Werewolf or wolf cat, it is distinguished by its wild, wiry hair and unusual facial features. Learn more about the mysterious beginnings of this rare breed, what their personality is like, and why they are so beloved by cat fanciers around the world.

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The Guide to Finding a Reputable Cat Breeder

Choosing a cat breeder is an important decision, as you want to make sure you find the right match for you and your adopted pet. This guide will provide helpful tips on how to identify reputable breeders, ask essential questions, and do research on potential candidates before deciding.

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Maine Coon cats - Bringing the outdoors inside

When you first acquire your kitten the breeder who sold it to you will sometimes ask you to sign an agreement saying you will keep the cat Strictly indoors, and it is believed that indoor cats actually live longer and healthier lives.

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The history of Persian cats

Believe it or not, Persians are thought to be the oldest breed of cats, but at the same time, there are numerous different versions of where the Persian cat began. It is widely believed, however, in all versions that the Persian cat originated in the country that was once known as Persia, which is now modern day Iran.

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The Rarest Persian Cats

Known for its sweet pansy face and a long thick coat of hair the Persian cat is one of the most popular breeds of cats available. They stand upon short legs and have a well-toned muscular body inside the fluffy coat. Persian cats have a wonderful set of big and bright eyes which makes cat lovers fall in love with this exotic breed. While all Persian cats are considered special, it's inevitable that some particular breeds are more exclusive than others. The desirability of a Persian cat will usually depend upon the shade of its coat, eyes or both.

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Cat breeding guidelines

You might be surprised to learn that the human population and cats have been linked together for more than a thousand years. Today they are the second most popular pet, with dogs being first. The hardy nature of cats makes them the ultimate pet for people who aren't home for many hours at a time.

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