All about the Bulldog standard

In recent decades, Bulldogs are receiving much popularity as great show dogs. Due to their sweet-temperament and friendly attitude, they are truly adorable to many. Bulldogs are also referred to as English or British Bulldogs, and as their name implies, they are the symbol of elegance and tenderness.

In earlier times, Bulldogs were mostly known as guard dogs. However, compared to the aggressive instinct of their ancestors, current breeds are much more mild-mannered and temperate. But under certain circumstances their fighting instinct becomes highly apparent.

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Potty training Bulldogs takes patience

There are some Bulldog problems that are easily solved and one of them is potty training. The Bulldog is a sweet natured dog and he only wants to become a beloved companion. Potty training should begin early in your Bulldog's life and really as soon as you bring him into your home. The first thing you need for your Bulldog puppy potty training is a good and appropriate crate.

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Raising your Bulldog pup

French Bulldog puppies are very friendly and eager to please as result of their nature. Although they are very aggressive with other dogs despite their gentle nature with humans. So you need to take the necessary time in order to properly socialize your French Bulldog puppies with other people and pets. If there is every any aggression towards humans then you need to take your puppy to a professional trainer right away.

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Bulldog health problems: Some common health problems

When you bring your new Bulldog pup home for the first time you feel like you are ready to bond with your little dog and get started on a life full of love and happiness. That is great but you need to also be constantly learning about their behavior and the things you should be doing to help your dog get used to you and your house and also what you can do to help your dog learn to interact better with people. It is a long road you have ahead of you, but if you keep learning about your dog then the possibilities are endless.

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