How to curb your dog's biting tendency

Millions of people are bitten by dogs each year; young children are usually the victim. Not only does this result in a possible health risk for the person who has been bitten, but in the case of kids, it can leave a damaging impression of canines. That is unfortunate. The bond shared between humans and dogs is incredibly strong. Being bitten at a young age can lead to an emotional scar that destroys any chance of enjoying that connection.

The good news is that a canine's biting tendency can be eliminated. Below, I'll explain a strategy that relies heavily upon startling a dog when he bites. I'll also describe the steps you need to take in the event your pooch sinks his teeth into someone.

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Some basics for housetraining your puppy

Puppies should be house trained as early as possible. Over 80% of dogs in the U.S. are kept inside the home by their owners. Failing to properly teach them to control their bladders and bowels will have frustrating consequences later. Fortunately, providing a healthy does of consistent discipline, patience, and attention upfront can help ensure your pup is housebroken early. There will be accidents, so plan for them. In the same way toddlers eventually learn to use the toilet, your puppy will also learn to avoid making a mess in your home.

In this article, we'll describe two important ground rules that you should follow when house training your puppy. We'll also explain why establishing a routine is critical and how to handle the occasional accident when it happens.

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5 Smart and easy tips for keeping your pooch safe

Your dog relies upon you to keep him safe both inside your home and outside. Most owners realize that they should keep their canines on a leash while they're outside in order to prevent their roaming into the street. But, their responsibility extends much further. In this article, we'll provide five tips that you can use to ensure the safety of your pooch.

#1 - Keep Dangerous Poisons Out Of Reach

Your canine's appetite isn't limited to the meals you provide him during the day. Given the opportunity, he'll eat items that are not meant to be consumed (at least, not by him). For example, he may begin eating antifreeze if it is left within his reach. He might also start eating mouse bait, pesticides, and your own medications. Each of these items can lead to significant health issues. Keep them out of his reach.

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