Pudgy pooches - Is your dog too fat?

Is your dog overweight? Could he stand to shed a few pounds? Many owners don't really know when their canine friends are overweight. Since we see them every day, we may not really notice the changes that they may be going through.

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Is your dog safe from these common household hazards?

In order to keep your canine pal safe at home it is important to become familiar with the common household substances and items that can be dangerous - even fatal - if ingested. This list is not all-inclusive but it does contain information on some of the dangers typically found in homes.

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When will my puppy become an adult?

When is a puppy fully grown?" That question is probably not foremost in your thoughts when you bring a new puppy into your life. That adorable little face, those huge soulful eyes, and that cute wiggle when he walks are what come to mind when thinking about your new pup.

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Oral health care for your dog

Are you giving the proper attention to your dog's oral hygiene needs? The most common oral hygiene issue that dogs face is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease usually results from excessive plaque buildup. As plaque accumulates on the teeth, it gradually hardens into tartar. This adversely affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth.

The build up of plaque provides an perfect environment for bacterial growth. This bacteria results in irritation to the gums, causing them to swell and eventually bleed. As the inflammation worsens, additional bacteria are produced. This leads to the gums receding and the exposure of the root. Ultimately the teeth become loose in their sockets and they fall out if the disease is left untreated.

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Adopting a dog: should you choose a puppy or an adult dog?

After a family discussion on the pros and cons you've decided that you want to adopt a family dog. The next decision should be whether you should adopt a new puppy or an adult dog.

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