Mikael Rieck is the happy owner of a pet health and insurance site at >http://www.petinsurancepro.com where he shares a lot more information on pet health, pet fitness and pet longevity.

Choices for names for your pet birds

The sky is the limit when finding creative names for your pet bird. The name you choose to give your pet bird could range from something silly to something serious and everything you could imagine. Some bird owners opt for sticking with traditional bird names, while others choose names off the wall. If you are unsure what to name your pet bird, there are some ideas that might help you decide.

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FAQ about dog health

Many new dog owners often have questions regarding the proper care of their new canine friend. Not everyone has a vet on call 24 hours a day so it can sometimes be difficult to find the right answers right when you need them. In this article we’re going to take a look at a few of the frequently asked health questions new dog owners have asked and need to know.

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How to avoid cat dental problems

When you think of all the illnesses that you need to protect your cat against, one of the last ones that comes to mind is dental problems. Believe it or not dental problems can make life unbearable for your cat. A cat with sore cavity ridden teeth will find it to painful to eat; the change in their diet due to their dental problems can wreak havoc on their other systems. Along with the painful eating, dental problems left uncared for can lead to heart, liver and kidney disease.

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How to calm down your kitten

There is nothing more innocent and peaceful looking than a fluffy little kitten. You just can't help it you have to be the tiny little bundle of joy home with you. Something must have happened, somehow the sweet little creature that you picked out has been swapped out with the kitten that nightmares are made of.

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How to control the smell from the litter box

One of the biggest challenges that you face being the owner of an indoor cat is odor control. A liter box doesn't have to be the main reason that keeps you from brings a cat into your home. There are things that you can do to keep the liter box so fresh that you won't even know that it is there. Once you bring your new kitten home it is important to decide where you are going to put the litter box.

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