What is feline distemper

Feline distemper is a dangerous cat viral infection that is preventable. This condition is sometimes called feline panleukopenia or feline panleuk. The feline distemper virus is related to the virus that causes distemper in dogs.

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Examples of plants poisonous to cats

Cat owners should be aware of plants poisonous to cats. Though many people decorate with plants without thinking about any consequences, the cat owner needs to be responsible for keeping plants that are poisonous to cats off the property.

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Helpful advice to purchase a Maine Coon kitten

Finding a Maine Coon cat breeder is not difficult since Maine Coon cats are one of the most popular breeds in the United States. However, a perspective cat owner needs to find a reputable breeder from which to purchase a Maine Coon kitten.

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Causes of aggression in cats and dogs

Aggression in cats and dogs can be caused by trauma or abuse. The aggression is often caused by fear of being harmed. Aggression in cats and dogs can begin with an accident that scares the pet. This accident could be objects falling on the pet when the pet was young. Littermates that engage in aggressive play can cause fear in other, more passive littermates.

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Causes of cat litter box problems

Cat litter box problems can be a cause of concern for many cat owners. A cat owner may become frustrated by cats that are urinating or defecating outside the litter box.


If the cat litter becomes too dirty, the cat may suddenly refuse to use the litter box. Some cats are very choosy about the cleanliness of the litter.


This resistance to using a dirty litter box usually can be resolved by changing the cat litter more frequently. Sometimes, a cat will refuse to use a litter box if the cat owner has changed the type of litter.


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Feed birds stale cat food

Feed birds stale cat food instead of throwing the stealth cat food away. Stale cat food can be placed outside on a flat surface or in a bowl.

It has become a common practice to put stale cat food and other food scraps into the mesh bags that onions are sold in and tying the bags outside for birds. This can be dangerous for birds, because their feet or legs can become trapped in the mesh.

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