Where should you buy your Boston Terrier?

Should you buy a Boston Terrier from a pet shop? This decision is entirely up to you. But you have to consider a host of things before taking the plunge. Most pet shops do background checks on a Boston Terrier Breeder before they actually accept a puppy for display. Unfortunately there some unscrupulous people who really do not care about the puppies and their customers, all they want is a quick buck.
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The Boston Terrier Breed standard

Although the breed standard for the Boston Terrier is pretty strict on what they should look like, they are also strict on what the breed should act like. This attention to temperament has sadly been lacking in some other breed standards like the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Even pet quality Boston Terriers who would be laughed out of a show ring will not be offended, as they will be happy for the chance to make anyone smile.

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Boston Terrier 101: The breed standard

A breed standard is a breed organization's blueprint of what the ideal dog should look and act like. This is what a show dog like a purebred Boston Terrier is judged against. Instead of being compared to the other dogs in the ring, the dog is compared to how well they fit the breed standard. This is usually what breeders strive to achieve in their breeding programs. A breed standard is the Holy Writ of the dog world.

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Boston Terrier breeders in the U.S.

The Boston Terrier is a pure breed that was developed in the United States. In 1870, a breeder named Robert C. Hooper of Boston bought an Old English Bulldog and an English White Terrier mix. He bred this dog with a small dog and bred their puppies with even smaller French Bulldogs. This became the basis for the Boston Terrier as we now know it. The name Terrier is actually a misnomer. Boston Terriers have very little Terrier in their ancestry and are more closely related to Bulldogs.

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What you need to know about the Boston Terrier puppy

The Boston Terrier puppy works well with families and small living conditions due to its very fun and friendly nature. They need lots of attention from their owners and are a very people friendly breed. They want to be engaged by people around them due to their highly spirited natured. A Boston Terrier typically has a sweet and friendly disposition while wanting to be the center of attention. They are very social animals when raised around children and the elderly although they will get along with pretty much everyone.
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Boston Terrier picture sources

If you are really looking for some great Boston Terrier pictures then one place you may want to start are with the websites of various Boston Terrier owners. Obviously they will try and let you know why their Boston Terrier is the best one of them all but the variety of poses offered by some of the more fanatical Boston Terrier owners are very entertaining. Also seeing Boston Terriers in their real life settings can be very educational. You may wind up something that will help you provide better for your Boston Terrier.
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