Cats, domestic cats, and house cats history revealed

Cats, also referred as Felis catus, house cats and domestic cats are small, cute carnivorous mammals. For cat lovers around the world, who wish to know more about these adorable pets, below is a physiology of cats. To start with, studies reveal that around 69 billion of cats are present in the U.S. homes.

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Your cat at the groomer

Cats have an amazing and specially designed tongue that they use to keep their fur looking their best, along with removing, and digesting lose hair. Sometimes the cats own effort isn't quite enough to keep tangles and mats at bay. This is especially true in the spring when cats tend to shed quite a bit, and if the cat is long haired. Sending your cat to a groomer can help to untangle mats, remove large quantities of lose hair while shampooing the cat to make her look and feel her best.

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Can a cat go to a groomer?

If you have ever been licked by a cat, you know(!!) that cats have an amazing tongue. It sure does feel like sandpaper! This tongue is specially designed to keep their fur looking their best, along with removing, and digesting lose hair. Sometimes the cats own effort isn't quite enough to keep tangles and mats at bay. This is especially true in the spring when cats tend to shed quite a bit, and if the cat is long haired. Sending your cat to a groomer can help to untangle mats, remove large quantities of lose hair while shampooing the cat to make her look and feel her best.

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Your reluctant cat at the groomer - Some tips before you go

Most people probably already know that cats can bathe themselves by using their tongues to lick their fur clean, but sometimes this type of cleaning just isn't sufficient to work out the mats and tangles that can get into cats' hair. This is especially true for long hair cats, even for those cats that are brushed every single day by their owners. Groomers aren't only for cats that are entered into cat shows. Many cat owners send their cats to the groomers once in a while in order to get a bath and to get their fur conditioned to keep it in its best shape it can be.

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