Cat allergies

Cats bring joy and warmth to their homes, and their independence and playful nature make them perfect companions. However, for some, this joy is overshadowed by a pesky problem - allergies in cats. These cat allergies are often triggered by a multitude of factors that can cause a wide range of uncomfortable and even potentially serious symptoms.

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Aghhh! My cat has got fleas

So, how come my cat has got fleas? Cats that are allowed outside pick up fleas by socializing with other cats or just by walking through territory where other cats have been.  Think that your indoor only cat is safe? Not so, fleas can travel into your home on your clothing (white garments seem particularly attractive to fleas). Once inside your home they easily transfer themselves to your cat who is a much more desirable host.

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7 good reasons for playing with your cat

Playing reinforces the bond between you and your cat. Playing with your cat is the best possible way to build up a bond between the two of you. Do you want your cat to think of you as more than someone who is there to provide food, shelter and warmth? Then regular play sessions will go a long way to ensuring that your feline friend sees you as an object of his or her affections, that you are someone to greet when you arrive home.

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Stop: Don't declaw that cat!

This article is not a debate about the pros and cons of the removal of a cat's claws (declawing). This article concludes that there are no pros to this issue and comes out firmly against the procedure. Declawing a cat is illegal in many countries and officially deemed to be inhumane in others. Why then do some people still consider getting their cat declawed?

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