Training kittens quickly

For people that own kittens, they should already know about their fluffiness and the adorable look that they can give them. However, they should not forget that these kittens also need to go through training. Training a small kitten can be a bit hard, but it is only as hard as you make it.

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How to understand your cat's behavior and how quick cat training can fix it

Is your relationship with your cat suffering from a lack of good behavior on your cat's part? Do you want a to fix your cat's behavior problems? What people don't know is that a cat needs behavior training just as much as dogs do. Cat's are trainable contrary to popular belief.

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How to train your cat to respond to it's name

Cats are very smart animals, but they aren't born that way. Most pets will respond to any name that is thrown at them, but if you train them right they will only respond to their name. You may be wondering why you would want your cat to respond to her name when “kitty kitty” may work just fine.  Well, “kitty kitty” can work if your cat already knows to respond to it.

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Taking your cats for walks on a leash

Many folks who have been owned by cat would chuckle uncontrollably at the thought of putting a leash on it, just like a dog, and taking it for a walk around the neighborhood. Cats have their own opinion about things, and the idea of tying your cat to a piece of string and making her follow you may be one that is hard to believe.

Despite the independent nature of the cat, many cat guardians have successfully taught their kitties to walk outdoors. While it is a natural thing to take a dog for a walk, it really can become a natural thing for a cat as well.

Training your cat to the leash is best done in small steps. First, allow the cat to get familiar with the leash by placing somewhere it can be sniffed and evaluated. Then, in baby steps, put the leash or walking jacket on your cat.

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Effective strategies for cat leash training

Whether your cat likes to spend its times indoors or outdoors, there might come a time when you need to take your cat outdoors and this is where you need to train your cat to walk on a leash. You might have seen dogs taken out on a leash, you even might have seen ponies on leash, but have you ever seen a cat on a leash? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Here are some practical tips for leash training your cat.

The main purpose of a leash is to control the erratic behavior of your pet while outdoors. Cats are taken on leashes so that they don't run away from you and cause public nuisance. Once a cat escapes it's very difficult to catch him, because they are very agile and able to get through small spaces easily, not to mention their jumping abilities. In some areas, it's illegal for a cat to run free. It's also potentially dangerous, despite your cat's fine instincts. There are cars, large dogs and rabid squirrels to contend with that your cat might not be able to escape.

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If your cat is waking you up too early try this

One of the most common cat behavior problems is also one of the most frustrating. It is when they wake you up way too early in the morning.

We all love our cats, but we also love to get a good night of sleep. Unfortunately sometimes these don't go hand in hand together.

The evolutionary explanation of this is that felines are usually most active in the early dawn and at dusk. These are when the hunting times have traditionally been best.

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