Chihuahua types - There's a type of Chihuahua for everyone

If you love Chihuahuas, of course you'll want to know more about them. These fascinating animals originated in Chihuahua, Mexico and were objects of worship to the ancient Aztecs. The word "chihuahua" means an arid, sandy place and there are actually several types of Chihuahua dogs.

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Raising your labrador pup

A Labrador puppy is very much like a small child. They need a lot of time, attention and patience. There will be times when you haven't a clue as to what you are doing. This is normal. But not finding out about proper Labrador puppy care is a mistake if you want to truly enjoy your new addition. A sweet little chubby Labrador pup quickly turns into a heavy, over exuberant dog that can weigh an average of sixty-five pounds.

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Good places to look for Rottweiler pictures

Dog lovers sometimes like to look at the majesty and athletic build of Rottweiler dogs in pictures, but given the reputation of the Rottweiler it can be difficult to find Rottweiler pictures that are family friendly and good to look at. In the world of the Rottweiler you have to wade through the cruel and confused people to get to the people that are doing the good work that displays the Rottweiler as the obedient and majestic animal that it really is. In order to find the right Rottweiler pictures you have to do a little searching.

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Everything about Boston Terrier puppies

There comes a point in most people's lives that they consider bringing in a new dog into their home. For every dog lover, the type of dog that they want will depend on what they are really looking for. For those who want an outside guard dog, they will probably pick a dog that is on the larger side.
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Raising a Chihuahua to be happy and healthy

The pint sized stature of the Chihuahua makes it a dog of choice for someone who is short on space but long on the desire to have an adorable pet. Be aware, though, that the small size that makes them so cute also brings on it's own set of challenges for raising a Chihuahua.

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Interesting Pug facts

Known for his ancient and royal roots, the Pug is a popular and beloved dog breed. In fact, as one of the oldest breeds known to man, the Pug was once a respected resident of Imperial palaces. Here's some more Pug facts that you might find interesting:

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