Why is your dog loosing his hair?

When your dog is experiencing minimal or extensive hair loss, it's best to have him checked for alopecia. This disorder is also known as hair loss and is common in dogs. Left untreated it can cause total hair loss and infection so early diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Hair loss, or alopecia, can cause severe damage to your pet's lymphatic and immune system so it's best to detect it early. This disorder affects all breeds and size as well as gender so watch for it in all pets. Early detection can prevent extreme hair loss and alopecia can start slowly.

It is a very noticeable condition and usually starts with symmetrical or varied hair loss. If you dog's loosing patches of hair and chewing or scratching it's best to seek treatment. Be sure that you watch out for infected patches in the skin as well.

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Going herbal on your dog

In today's day of natural medicines and herbs to cure human ailments, why not try them for dogs. Growing your own herbs at home allows you some options to treat certain issues for your dog. Save money and help your pet, enough said.

The use of Aloe Vera as a medicinal purpose has been going on for centuries. People have been using it for scrapes, burns and other injuries. Our pets can also benefit from this for stomach ulcers, wounds and burns.

Gas or constipation can also be cured by this amazing plant. For internal issues, this aloe Vera can be ingested by your dog by mixing it into the dog's food. External issues are cured by rubbing a little Aloe Vera on the affected area. Topically or ingested, Aloe Vera is a plus for dogs.

As an anti-inflammatory or antifungal medicine, the calendula herb's uses continue to be discovered. It's also used as a dressing for any wound or cut. Grow your own remedies for your and your pet, right in your own back yard.

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Elbow dysplasia in your dog

There are many different types of ailments that can affect our dogs. Many we don't find out until later because dogs will not start showing symptoms until well into the disease. However, elbow Dysplasia is an abnormal growth of cells, bone or tissue and can be detected between 4 and 10 months.

The Dysplasia abnormality can lead to your dog becoming lame if not treated. There is a type of condition similar to this that affects males more than females. Typically this condition is found in the larger breeds like Labs, Rottiweilers, Chows and other giant breeds.

In the condition that affects the males more than the females, the bone fragment is located in the inner surface of the upper ulna. This ulna bone is located in the foreleg just below the elbow joint. Either way, both conditions need to be checked by a vet.

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What is Dermatophilosis and can my dog have it?

If your dog spends time around farm animals like horses, cows or sheep, you need to check it regularly for Dermatophilosis. This condition is contract from farm animals and it typically found in warm humid climates. It does not discriminate against age or gender of the animal.

If you scratch off an infected area of the yellow crust, you will notice that there are many hairs underneath due to the follicle being impacted. This condition is very common in dog and cats. It is best to get your pet to the vet for testing to stop the spreading.

These areas can also have pus beneath the infected area. You will also notice that the dog is trying to scratch the infected areas. It is important to take the dog to the vet to get a diagnosis with testing.

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The symptoms and treatments for mange

Mange is an itchy, inflammatory disease caused by the mite Demodex. Making a determination of which mite your dog is infected with can determine the seriousness of mange. Typically mange in dogs is referred to as Demodicosis.

Mange can cause immune system problems, lesions and genetic disorders if left untreated. Both cats and dogs are known to contract this uncomfortable disease. Your dog's side effects will be different depending on which mite your pet is infected with.

Determining which type of mange your dog or cat has is the first thing your vet will do. Localized mange is typically found in certain parts of the body only. Generalized mange is found over the entire body and can be very difficult to cure and treatment is an ongoing thing.

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Can my dog be allergic to fleas?

If you have a dog that is driving you crazy up all night chewing and itching, then he most likely is suffering from an allergy to fleas. Sounds ridiculous but it's more common than you think. For some dogs, this can turn into a serious problem, especially if left untreated.

Flea allergies in dogs can begin as early as puppies but seems to be most prevalent in older adult dogs. Adult fleas will not live for a long time if they are not on a dog or cat. But that doesn't really reassure you now does it?

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