The secrets of professional trainers revealed in dog training DVD

Sure, everybody wants a dog that sits, heels, and fetches on command. Who doesn't? Unfortunately, not everybody can afford the time and money a professional dog academy would require. Does that mean you cant enjoy the convenience and luxury of a trained dog? Of course not!

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The puppy potty training project

Puppies are on people's favorite things list, as well they should be. After the initial excitement of the newcomer gradually mellows, it's time to take on the not as adorable but very essential task of puppy potty training.

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Uncover one of the best puppy training tips of experts: Crate training

I don't know anything about you but I'm sure you've had days when you just want to get away and spend some quiet time alone relaxing. It's not about being lazy-- timely mini vacations have proved to be quite helpful in decreasing stress while increasing productivity levels. You're probably going, 'I wish! Tell that to my boss.' Well, what if your boss is the one who planned it all for you? Wouldn't a personal retreat sound good?

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The best gift for your pet - crate training dogs

Have you ever thought about what crate training dogs mean? To me, it sounds like something I would never voluntarily subject my dog to. As I read about it though, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this was actually a training method used for dogs which was based on their innate need for security and protection.

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A guide to a great dog training video

Who would've thought 20 years ago one person can make a video with nothing but a phone and have it seen by hundreds of thousands of people on the other side of the world? Technology, you cant beat it so you might as well join in on it. Many dog owners are already producing, directing and even starring in their own animal training video. That's alright, but out of the thousands of dog training videos out there, how can anybody separate the best from the pack?

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Puppy potty training for the untrained dog owner

Bringing home a new puppy is one of the best things ever. Everyone is excited, cooing and crowding around the little fur ball. Then the romance begins to die down after a few weeks, people start getting busy again. You've guessed correctly, it's time for puppy potty training to commence

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