Young dog and arthritis

Arthritis in dogs can be due to sever different factors, particularly common are injuries, congenital defects and simply getting older, just as in humans. In dogs, even a minor injury can lead to arthritis later in life. The conditions to which some breeds of dogs are predisposed, such as hip dysplasia can also mean a predisposition to developing arthritis as the dog ages. Even dogs who have never suffered an injury in their lives may well develop arthritis as they age.

The most common dog arthritis is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative disease in the joints where the cartilage will need remodeling, and then the new bone causes the arthritis. The dog arthritis symptoms are usually a gradual onset of limpness in the limbs. In other words lameness will result to where the dog finds it difficult to walk. Most often a dog will also be less likely to be active such as walks, playing, or even going up stairs.

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Why your dog health diagnosis is important

Your dog is more than your pet. He is your best friend, companion, and protector. When he is not feeling well, the last thing you want to do is worry that there is something seriously wrong. Therefore, off you go to the veterinarian for a dog health diagnosis.

A trip to the vet's office should be something that is done routinely. The veterinarian will give you things to look out for and to check when you think your dog is sick. With trips the vet's office, your dog should have a few things done to him that are sure to keep him on the path to living out a healthy life.

Dogs should always be vaccinated. Several diseases are the culprits behind many dog deaths. Your dog should have his rabies shots, distemper, and treatments for fleas. Older dogs can have asthma or even a form of Alzheimer's which is best treated by your vet. The importance of having regular check-ups for your faithful friend cannot be stressed enough.

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