Canine eye problems

Many dogs develop canine eye problems. Conjunctivitis, dry eye, and dog cataracts are a few of the most common dog eye problems. Some dog breeds are prone to certain eye problems. A common sign of dog cataracts is the appearance of opaque spots on the lens of the eye. Large cataracts or cataracts invading the dog's field of vision can block a dog's vision. Late onset cataracts typically develop in the late adulthood of the dog, but younger dogs can have cataracts due to genetic causes.

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Advantages of an invisible dog fence

An invisible dog fence has two components. The electric dog fence in buried along the dog's boundary. The dog wears a collar that delivers a shock when the dog gets too close to the buried electric fence.

When the dog comes too close or crosses the boundary established by the electric dog fence, the dog receives a small shock from the dog collar. If the dog escapes the yard and tries to return, the dog will get shocked again upon returning since the invisible dog fence. This is often seen as a disadvantage of an invisible dog fence since it can teach a dog not to return home.

Sometimes a dog owner wants a fence as a physical boundary to not only keep their dog in, but to keep out unwanted animals or people. In these cases, an electric dog fence may not be the best choice since it does not provide a physical boundary.

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Is diarrhea in dogs dangerous?

Dogs commonly suffer from occasional bouts of diarrhea. Diarrhea in dogs is not always a veterinary concern, but a dog owner ...

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What are the various types of dog fences?

When deciding on a dog fence, dog owners can choose from various types of dog fences. The dog owner's budget, the size of the dog, the size of the area that needs fencing, and any regulations regarding fencing need to be considered when choosing a dog fence.

Invisible dog fences do not change the look of the yard and are suitable for most dog breeds. Many times, invisible fences may be used where regular fencing may be prohibited by the rules of homeowners associations or local ordinances.

Invisible dog fences may not work for greyhounds. Greyhounds may run over the boundary of the invisible dog fence and not be responsive the shock until they are past the boundary. An advantage of invisible fences is that they prevent dogs from being able to take under the fence to escape.

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Canine lymphoma

Dog lymphoma is a type of cancer in dogs that can affect the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and other organs. Canine lymphoma mo...

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What causes a dog's urinary tract infection

A common cause for a dog's urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection. Urinary tract infections often cause pain during urination and difficulty urinating.

The primary cause of most urinary tract infections is the presence of bacteria in the bladder. Bacteria may enter the bladder through the dog's urethra. The urethra is the narrow tube that expels the urine from the bladder when a dog urinates.

The bacterial infection that causes a urinary tract infection is usually present in the bladder. Bacteria in the bladder may have gotten there through the dog's urethra. The the small passageway for the urine to be expelled from the bladder during urination is the urethra.

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