Dog tail positions and what they mean

Like many pet owners and lovers, I grew up misunderstanding dog tail positions and what they mean.  As a child, I presumed a dog’s wagging tail indicated a friendly, playful, and engaged animal.  As soon as any dog in the neighborhood came up to me with a sweet, ol’ panting face and a swinging tail, I was ready to run off for forever friend-style frolicking.

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Cure Itchy Skin in Dogs Naturally

There are two main causes for persistently itchy skin in dogs: allergies or improper skin/ fur care.  Observation is the first step to cure itchy skin in dogs. Before you begin a regimen for addressing itchy skin in your pet, watch and consider carefully to determine if environmental issues affect your dog’s health.

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Cat food ingredients you should avoid

Ever since the pet food recalls of 2007, pet owners have become more aware of the ingredients used in the meals they feed their cats. Obligate carnivores, or animals requiring meaty diets, cats have been domesticated to accept subpar diets that do not meet their needs and can have disastrous effects on their health.  Learning what cat food ingredients you should avoid giving your own pets will help you to be a better owner and family member.  Furthermore, with cats who feast on healthier diets, you stand to save a lot of money on remedy health care.  Prevention is, after all, the best medicine!

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