Advice for your cat's urinary infection

Cats get urinary infections more often than you might think. As their causes are not always clear, vets often mistake a common symptom of cats' urinary infections - like peeing outside the litter box - as something behavioral, due perhaps to stress, rather than the medical condition that is actually underlying it.

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Effective strategies for cat leash training

Whether your cat likes to spend its times indoors or outdoors, there might come a time when you need to take your cat outdoors and this is where you need to train your cat to walk on a leash. You might have seen dogs taken out on a leash, you even might have seen ponies on leash, but have you ever seen a cat on a leash? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Here are some practical tips for leash training your cat.

The main purpose of a leash is to control the erratic behavior of your pet while outdoors. Cats are taken on leashes so that they don't run away from you and cause public nuisance. Once a cat escapes it's very difficult to catch him, because they are very agile and able to get through small spaces easily, not to mention their jumping abilities. In some areas, it's illegal for a cat to run free. It's also potentially dangerous, despite your cat's fine instincts. There are cars, large dogs and rabid squirrels to contend with that your cat might not be able to escape.

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6 Pets your kids will love

Introducing a pet into the family home can have a number of fantastic benefits for children. Not only will it help teach them...

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Adopting A Pet

Infographic courtesy of Helpucover

Live a long happy life - but only if you have a pet!

For thousands of years people have been looking for the 'Fountain of Youth'. People will stop at nothing to find a way to live longer. Money is no option if a 'break-through' is found that can make us look younger and feel better. The health food and vitamin industry is an every growing billion dollar industry. Fueled by mans need to live longer and feel better people endlessly search for an ever elusive answer. But is the answer really elusive? NO! Studies continually show that owning a pet can extend a persons life and make them happier. This is especially true for older persons who need it the most.

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8 ways to reduce your dog's carbon paw print

I’d imagine that looking after the environment is pretty far down on your dog’s to-do list - it certainly falls behind activities such as running around outside, barking at postmen and chewing your favourite shoes to pieces. Consequently, it’s down to you to be green on their behalf!

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