Tips for pet-proofing your home

In many ways, bringing a pet into your home is like bringing home a baby. New pet parents should take precautions to assure their dog, cat or other pet won’t harm themselves or ruin furniture and appliances around the home. From special room designs and gadgets to organic cleaning products, there are many ways one can pet-proof their place. 

Going back to basics, there are many training options for your pet available to you at the click of a button. For instance, websites like PetFinder provide online tutorials on how to train your dog. One useful command is “leave it,” which will teach your dog to essentially stop eating and chewing on everything from your dining room table to something potentially hazardous to them such as a bar of soap in the bathroom.

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Choosing the right pet

Pets offer so much joy to a family, and can teach children to take responsibility for the well being of another living thing. However, it's important that you give some thought to the type of pet you welcome into your home. You must select a pet that fits not only your lifestyle, but the size of your back yard and your budget.

Here are the things to consider before you choose a pet to join your family.

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Airline pet carry-on tips

More and more people are requiring that they be allowed to take their pets on board with them into the passenger cabin on airplanes. This is likely because many people like to treat their dog and cats as a part of the family and not as some piece of cargo.

If you are getting ready for a trip and you want to take your to pet on board with you, here are five things to help you get ready for your next plane trip.

First of all, made sure the carrier meets the proper carry on requirements. Different airlines have different requirements, for example, Southwest airline requirements are 22" x 14" x 9".

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Don't be a Fraidy Cat! - Taming pet anxiety

Ailurophobia is the fear of cats. As strange as it may seem, some people are actually afraid of those sweet, cuddly little fur-balls. Napoleon, who conquered half of Europe, couldn't bear to be in the room with one and Julius Caesar was said to shy from a whiskered face as well. I've known people who believed having a black cat cross your path was unlucky (or a white one depending on which part of the world from which you hale). And, my Grandmother always told me that finding a cat's whisker was good luck.

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Open Your Heart to a Pet, It’s Good For You

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and many people are thinking about love or the ones they love. As a pet lover, I’m sure you include Fluffy or Fido on that list. Having a pet or pets in your life is not only fulfilling, but it’s actually good for you in some many ways. So if you were thinking about adding another pet to your family or adopting your first pet, here are a few incentives:

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Help your pet beat the summer heat

Summer is a great time to bond with your pet. Long summer drives, time spent in the park, hiking, gardening, and even taking a few pet-friendly road trips. But the summer months can also be dangerous for pets (and people). Here are a few tips to help your pet beat the heat this summer.

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