My puppy just had her back dew claws removed. I noticed that she has been licking a little so I looked at both of her feet. She has ripped her stitches open on one foot and a small piece of skin is just hanging by one stitch. My vet's office is closed

My puppy just had her back dew claws removed. I noticed that she has been licking a little so I looked at both of her feet. She has ripped her stitches open on one foot and a small piece of skin is just hanging by one stitch. My vet's office is closed until tomorrow and I do not have any badadine to clean it. What do I do?

Category: Health

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Sorry to hear about your dog. There are some things you can do to treat the wound before you go to your vet tomorrow. I've included a link to a petmd page that can you some specific advice.

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