I read a poem 1 time about a pet asking her owner that when the time comes ..do not delay..let me go to the bridge anyone know about it

read a poem 1 time about a pet asking her owner that when the time comes ..do not delay..let me go to the bridge anyone know about it or where i can find it my sister-in law is putting her dog down tomorrow because of a stroke..She is in deep despair

Category: Pets

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Hi Daniel,

I think you are referencing the "Rainbow Bridge" poem. The author is unknown and it is a great poem. I have included a link to it below. Also below is another poem that will help. It is interesting that you ask about this now. We just lost our Lucy of thirteen years yesterday. It has been hard and these poems do help... Best wishes to your sister-in-law and all of us will be thinking about her.

Remember Me

“Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long. I have tried always to comfort you in times of sorrow, and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I never wanted to cause you pain.

Peace for me is certain now, and I suspect I will have eternal sleep in the earth I have loved so well.

Please, after your period of grieving for me, make room in your heart for another. You are the kind of human being that should always have a friend like me to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be wasted on my memory for too long. Give your love to another. I know your new friend will never take my place, because we had something very special.

It may not be quite the same, but a new devoted and loving companion will in time, become special in their own way.

You loved me very much and I loved you. My spirit will always be with you, and no matter how deep my sleep, my grateful heart will always remember you.
OMG..REMEMBER ME IS IT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH My heart aches for you . I know Lucy is playing with my Samson . He was a rescue -old blind and a gift from God to me. He got his wings 1/3/2012 - - 11 years ago

Molly the Wonder Dog!

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