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Aggressive dog behavior, a nightmare no more…

Aggressive dog behavior is one of a dog owner's worst nightmares. The last thing you want to see in your beloved dog is aggressive dog behavior.  The natural reaction to dealing with aggressive dog behavior is outrage and even panic. So many dog owners yell at their aggressive dogs or hit their dogs to try and get control of canine aggression.

With aggressive dogs, it's easy to mistakes that can lead to big problems. Here are four mistakes you want to avoid you're dealing with an aggressive dog:

1. One of the worse mistakes you can make with an aggressive dog is keeping the dog penned up. Not exercising an aggressive dog is not a good idea!

A bored dog is far more likely to be an aggressive dog. Most dogs have a lot of pent-up energy. Dogs are simply designed to be active. When you don't allow your dog to be as active as he or she wants to be, this can lead to problems.

The best way to avoid dog aggression is to work off all that pent-up canine energy. Be sure you take your dog on daily, long walks. Play with your dog frequently. The more you interact with an aggressive dog in a playful, fun way, the less aggression you'll see.

2. Another big aggressive dog behavior mistake is hitting the dog. Training an aggressive dog requires touch, but not hitting! You never want to hit any dog, but least of all not an aggressive dog. Violence encourages aggressive behavior.

To correct an aggressive canine, pull at the scruff of the neck or gently nudge the dog. Using a firm voice and a specific gesture that telegraphs your displeasure will work too. Your goal in correcting an aggressive dog is to surprise and get across your message. You're not trying to hurt or punish the dog.

3. Being a wimp is a big aggressive dog care mistake. Dealing with an aggressive dog requires you to be the boss. Dogs need guidance. They need a leader. Dog care doesn't simply mean nurturing. It means leadership too.

To establish leadership with an aggressive dog, be sure you're the one in control. Enter a room first unless you give your dog the okay to go ahead of you. Establish that you're head honcho.

4. Dealing with repeated dog biting yourself is a big mistake when dealing with an aggressive dog. If you have a canine kid who bites, you need aggressive dog training from a professional dog trainer. Don't try and deal with a biting dog yourself. The consequences are too dire. If the above tips don't help control aggressive dog behavior, get some help.

Your dog deserves to be well-socialized so he or she can have a happy life. Take steps immediately to deal with aggressive dog behavior.

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