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Caring for your cat’s teeth

Looking after your pet’s dental hygiene is the primary duty of the cat owner, so begin your cat teeth care today, rather than waiting till next February. In case you are wondering out of 12 months why is February mentioned, it is because two august bodies, The American Veterinarian Medicine Association or the AVMA and the United States American Veterinarian dental Society or the AVDS, have decided to do something special during this calendar month.

The calendar month known as the month for professing love, would now be pet oral Health month, where these two reputed groups would educate pet owners like you and me, how to take care of the family pets oral hygiene. This is because these two groups realize the importance of cat dental care both for the family pets and their owners. They actually want all those who are caring for any pets to consider each calendar month as the oral health month for family pets.

Did you know that about 85 percent of the old family pets have oral ailments? It may also interest you to know that this is one of the largest health-related troubles which cats suffer from, and in case such periodontal ailments are ignored, this could led to more serious outcome. If such conditions will not be properly treated, such may cause harmful components like bacteria from the oral cavity spreading all through the bloodstream. As a result, this will infect other major organs that will cause more complications that may lead to your cat’s death.

How to Care for the Teeth

As a trusted owner of the cat, the duty of daily oral cleaning of the cat falls on you. This may not be that easy but you can always use some help from other household members to open kitty’s mouth for you while you complete the task. Your feline friend may not like the procedure at first but it is for their own good.

As both of you are getting used to the process, why not try to use fish-flavored toothpaste to make the task appealing for the cat? You must also have a frequent appointment with your veterinary regarding the oral health of your family pets. Additionally, the cats gum and teeth should be regularly checked for cleanliness and if needed floss could also be used.

You have already supplied a lot for your cat, so don’t let it all go to waste. The sooner you begin taking care of cat teeth the better, since this would help prevent potential complications as the cat grows older. If you have experienced toothache you can only imagine how a dependent cat can cope with it.

Neglecting correct dental care for the cat could eventually lead to ailments of the heart, lungs, kidneys and the liver. Be mindful about cat teeth care and just following the above mentioned simple rules will keep your cats smiling all the way into adult age. Ensuring good health for your cat, results in your family pets getting older in a nice and healthy way.

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