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How to Cat-Proof Your Home Before Bringing Home a Senior Cat

New pets come with new responsibilities. Before bringing home a new cat, ensure your home is safe for an inquisitive furry friend. Though a senior cat may not be as quick to cause mischief in your house as a kitten, you still need to make changes to prepare your space before bringing them home. Here’s how to cat-proof your home before bringing home a senior cat.

Watch Out for Loose Cords

Loose cords pose many threats to cats. Electronic cables are a tempting chew toy, but they have the potential to shock your cat if they chew through them. The cords on your blinds may seem innocent, but they can wrap around your cat’s neck. Before you bring your new cat home, walk through your home to identify and cat-proof any cords and cables.

Pet-Proof Your Windows

Windows are enticing to cats of all ages, as they allow them to watch birds, animals, and people outside. However, windows can be dangerous for our pets. Before bringing home your senior cat, take steps to pet-proof your windows, like installing stronger screens or replacing weakened frames. Stronger windows will ensure your cat stays inside where it belongs so that it can live a safe life with you.

Check Your Plants

Plants may liven up any room, but they can be deadly to cats. Even some popular flowers, like lilies, are toxic to our furry friends. Research any plants in your home and remove toxic ones before bringing home a new pet. After your cat has settled in, check any new plants that come into your home to reduce your risk of an emergency vet visit.

Add Cat Supplies to Your Home

The final step in preparing your home for a furry new addition is ensuring you have all the necessary supplies for your cat to live a happy, comfortable life. This includes buying toys, beds, water bowls, and a litter box. If you’re bringing home an older cat, you may want to buy different supplies than if you were bringing home a kitten. For example, litter boxes with lower lips and floor-level beds will be easier on older cats’ joints than high-lipped litterboxes or cat trees. However, all cats have different needs. Check with your older cat’s foster family or animal shelter to learn what modifications the cat will need.

Bringing home a new pet is exciting. Now that you know how to cat-proof your home before bringing home a senior cat, you can ensure your new pet stays healthy and happy in its new home. Congratulations on your new family member!

Emma Radebaugh

Emma is a writer and editor passionate about providing accessible, accurate information. Her work is dedicated to helping people of all ages, interests, and professions with useful, relevant content.

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