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The cost of Yorkshire Terrier puppies

If you are considering getting a dog for your family then one you should definitely consider is the Yorkshire Terrier. You do have to be aware of the care that is require for these dogs before getting one yourself however, as they need a lot more time and maintenance than most other breeds of dog. This is an important thing to consider because a lot of people get excited to get a dog but then do not want to take proper care of them.

There is also the option of going to the animal shelter to look for Yorkshire Terrier puppies, but you may not have luck if you are looking to get a purebred dog. You may even want to consider putting an ad in the paper that will inform others that you are looking for Yorkshire Terrier puppies and so if anyone who reads this ad can help you out, they will be able to contact you. You are sure to have a lot of fun with your Yorkshire Terrier puppies and they will be more than pets to you, they will be great friends.

Caring for your Yorkshire Terrier puppies is very, very important. In particular you need to make sure that their hair is properly taken care of, as they have beautiful hair but hair that requires a lot of brushing and cleaning. You should brush the coat every day and their nails should usually be cut about once a month, more often if their nails tend to grow rather quickly.

Remember that because they are so small and fragile you have to handle them with care, and they can get hurt very easily so you should never let anyone younger try to give them a bath or even brush their fur. What’s more is that Yorkies are tend to have various teeth problems so you need to keep up on their dental hygiene and make sure that the veterinarian checks their teeth out at every visit so that any problems that are there will be recognized immediately.

The bottom line is that although a Yorkie pup is definitely lovable and adorable, at the same time will require a lot of care. You have to be absolutely positive that you are going to be willing to take the time that is needed in order to give them this care.

There are also certain things that you will never want to allow around your Yorkshire Terrier puppies or any other type of dog for that matter. This includes antifreeze, chocolate, bleach, Tylenol, watch batteries, mothballs, fabric softeners, mouthwash and peach pits.

You also may want to talk to other dog owners in the area beforehand in order to see which veterinarians they recommend. This will help you understand your options and give you some great firsthand opinions on the available veterinarians in the area.

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