I’d like to save you a little time and a lot of money by covering the following: 1)Why dog teeth brushing must be done, 2) What doesn’t work and 3) What actually does work.
The boss tried to avoid this… she tried a lot. I don’t like having my teeth brushed and she doesn’t like to do it. The interesting thing is that the bad new puppy we got seems to think it’s ok. You know the whole “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” thing”? It’s true. We really didn’t brush my teeth until I was older so I still don’t like it. The new evil puppy got started right away so she doesn’t think it’s a big deal.
Dog Teeth Brushing – Why You Have To Do It
People teeth are just like dog teeth. Brushing them does the same thing for us as it does for you. 1) Health – Brushing your dog’s teeth helps get rid of the nasty bacteria that collects there. 2) It keeps them healthy – I had a tooth that was so bad that it had to be pulled. It hurt me a lot so I felt better after it was pulled. 3) Everyone says dogs have bad breath … don’t you think that would be better if our teeth got brushed once in a while? 4) The older the dogs gets, the bigger of an issue it is if their teeth are bad. At some point they will likely need their teeth cleaned by the vet if you never brush them. This can be expensive. My boss kept asking me if I was worth it. (I’m pretty sure she was joking though because she sometimes thinks she’s funny. I think she’s wrong.)
This Is The Stuff We Wasted Money On
1) You know the treats that say they act like a dog’s toothbrush? We checked with our vet to see what she thought about them and she laughed… a lot… and said we still had to brush them. 2) Rubber bone with bristles – This is a blue rubber bone with toothbrush bristles on the ends. When I chew on it, it’s supposed to be like brushing my teeth. However, the evil puppy started tearing it apart within a few minutes. It’s too soft to do any good. 3) Three sided dog toothbrush – We didn’t really like this because you had to use too much pressure on the dog’s toothbrush to get the brush around the tooth on all three sides. 4) Electric dog toothbrush – Yes, we did spend money on this. No, it doesn’t work.
This Is The Stuff That Does Actually Work
My boss eventually accepted that dog teeth brushing was something she needed to do for my health and there wasn’t a shortcut. She finally just got a plain, simple dog toothbrush and was somehow shocked to find out that it worked.
Here are some examples of the basic dog toothbrushes: 1)Long Handled Toothbrush This works pretty well. The one thing that you have to be careful of is the long handle. It’s way too easy to accidentally push the toothbrush too far… which means I get jabbed in the cheek or the back of the throat. 2) Finger Toothbrush We is a good one too. It gives you more control (so I don’t get hit by the handle). The one thing you have to be careful of on this one is letting it slip off your finger. 3) Finger Toothbrush Glove This is our favorite. It gives us boss more control so she can easily tell what she’s actually brushing and it can’t slip off.
You have a dog and you are responsible for that dog. That also means you are responsible for the dog teeth… brushing them is something that is essential for their health. Give up trying to get out of it. We’ve shown you what works and what doesn’t, now go get your dog toothbrush and get to brushing!