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Pug dog health basics

Pug dogs are one of the most popular breeds for pet owners today, and anyone considering adopting one should educate themselves a bit about pug dog health.  This ancient breed has actually been around since about 400 BC and is a member of the AKC Toy Group. Its elf like features – the wrinkly flat face, short hair and curly tail makes it one of the most endearing breeds. Having a thickset body, the weight of a pug ranges from 13 to 20 pounds and the height from 10 to 14 inches.
Ironically, it is these very unique features that actually attribute to the unique health concerns of the breed. However, this should not deter you from adopting one as providing the proper care to avoid these health issues is really quite simple.

The folded skin of the pug is one of them. The wrinkles of the skin are prone to infections by nature. Therefore, always keep your dog well groomed and bathed properly and check with the Vet at the onset of any infection. Make sure to keep the area between the wrinkles dirt and dust free so that bacteria does not grow there.

Another common problem with pug dog health are the eyes. Pug eyes are not well protected because of the way their eyes are shaped and the where the eyes are on the face. This could lead to injuries and other complications. You should regularly check your pug’s eyes for ulcerations and make sure you get your dog to the vet immediately if you see any problems.

Another problem with Pugs is obesity. Like human beings, pugs that overeat will become overweight and this will adversely affect their health. As the owner, it is your responsibility to keep your dog from eating too much. Help your pet maintain a desirable weight by feeding him nutritious foods in the proper amounts.

Pugs are very sensitive to humidity as well as heat and prolonged exposure to either can cause them to have a hard time breathing. Always make sure they are kept in a cool area, especially in summertime.

A good health care regimen for your pet Pug means a long, happy life together. Responsible pet ownership includes taking care of your pet. Proper nutrition, grooming and regular visits to your vet, will assure proper Pug dog health is maintained.

Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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