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Things you should do before bringing your puppy home

The day you get your new puppy from the breeder and bring him home has finally arrived. As exciting as it is for you however, keep in mind that it can be a bit scary for your new puppy to leave the only home he has ever known. Therefore, it is necessary to do some prep work before bringing your puppy home so you can make sure that he feels safe and secure immediately.

You will obviously need to have food, water, and toys for your new puppy. But you should make sure to by the same food the puppy is used to eating, because puppies have sensitive stomachs and may handle a food change well. Try this for the first week or so, then you can gradually introduce the brand of food you want to feed him.

When you actually go to pick up your new puppy remember to bring a comfortable dog bed along with some chew toys. You might use a puppy sized basket and place a comfortable blanket in there for taking him home in. During the ride home make sure to pet the dog and speak to him in a comforting voice to relieve any fears he may have.

Although it might be hard to control your excitement, try to stay calm during the introduction of your new puppy to other family members or pets. Hold him gently in your arms as you give him a tour of his new home. This will help him feel more at ease in the new surroundings.

Puppies need to create a “comfort zone” for themselves when adapting to their new home. Letting them feel their own way around by providing the proper food, water and toys before bringing your puppy home will make this transition an easy one!

Don’t feed your puppy too much on the first day because he might be overwhelmed and not be very hungry. He will have to go to the bathroom frequently. You can start teaching him where to go on the first day, but don’t expect instant success. It is better to try to anticipate when he has to go and get him outside quickly, praising him when he succeeds in going “potty”.

When adopting a puppy, you want to be sure to set aside more time than usual during that first week to spend with your new pup. This shouldn’t be too hard since most anyone I know who has a new puppy can’t wait to spend time with him! By clearing your schedule before bringing your puppy home, you will insure that you have enough time to spend making him feel like a safe and secure member of the family.

For more information about puppy-proofing your home check out this article from This Old House

Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about dog breeds and dog care.

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