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Mastering the commands “Come & No” in dog training

Of course you want to keep your dog safe and one of the best ways to insure this is to teach him the command “Come”. After you have achieved a loving relationship with this delightful creature, teaching him this behavior is not going to be a difficult hardship. Your being in control of his freedom is one of the kindest things you can do for your best pal.

If your dog has been adopted or previously trained by another owner prior to a safe relationship being established, then this process may be a bit more difficult. But you must realize that your dog needs your guidance and, no matter how far away he is from you, he needs to understand that he must obey your “Come” command whenever it is given.

We all know that dogs love to bound around, run like the wind and be boisterous in their behavior. So training him to “Come” will undoubtedly require the use of a long line attached to his collar. Allow him to drag the line, call his name and immediately say “Come.” He may not respond. In that case, simply give a gentle but firm tug on the line and repeat the command. Once he understands what you require, you can utilize a leash instead of the long line. Eventually, you will be able to remove the leash and he will eagerly respond to your “Come” command. Every dog is different so don’t be discouraged if this takes more than one day to accomplish. Be patient, it may take a week.

Controlling your dog’s behavior should never be harsh or painful. Using the word “No” is another command that can be taught in a gentle manner. He has to understand the association between the word “No” and any unwanted behavior. A great method of teaching him this new command is to attach a long line to his collar and place some food in the area where you are training. Of course, he’s going to run to the food. Once he does this, say the word “No” and give a light correction on the line. He now has an association.

Eventually, the word “No” will mean something to your dog and you will no longer need to use correction. He will obey simply because he trusts your judgment and wants to please you.

Incorrect behavior after training is not that uncommon. You dog could simply be confused or he could be testing you. Just be gentle but consistent. Every dog is a bit different and will respond in a different manner to commands. Above all, keep your sessions short and exercise patience. Treat him to some free time afterwards, toss a ball, go for a long walk together, and just have fun. Give him lots of pats and praise. You will be rewarded with a bonded friendship that will last forever.

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