Add those supplements

Saltwater aquariums compared to freshwater ones need far more attention to maintain them; especially if…

Adding the Bala Shark to your fish tank

The Bala Shark, scientific name Balantiocheilos Melanopterus, isn't really an actual shark but was named…

Common diseases of tropical fish and what to do concerning them

While tropical fish can be a wonderful hobby that many people take pleasure in, they…

Aquarium Snails – Pets or Pests?

Have you ever suddenly looked into your fish tank and noticed a bunch of little…

Betta fish care

Betta is a popular tank fish and its maintenance is least painful. However, it does…

Betta Fish is the perfect fish

I still remember the first time I saw two beautiful looking fish in a friend's…

Angelfish Aquarium and Care

Angelfish is a large breed. The Pterophyllum spp. Cichlidae family includes the black Angel come…

Aquarium and Fish Care Needs

After you have purchased your aquarium, filters, heaters, gravel, floss, buffers, food, fish, and so…

Aquarium and Fish Care Support

How to maintain Goldfish: Most of the accidents in aquarium fish tragedies occur from the…

Carp Aquarium and Fish Care

Somewhere down in the drain ditches, ponds, and fast-moving streams are the little wonders of…