Avoid giving your pet these treats

Sometimes, the "human" foods that your pet loves to eat can be quite dangerous for…

Avoiding fruits that are dangerous to your pet

Although fruit is good for humans, there are fruits that you should avoid feeding to…

Deciding how to best feed your pet

Deciding how much to feed your pet and what kind of food you should feed…

Do you have fleas?

Every pet owner worries about the possibility if dealing with fleas. After all, these little…

Diabetes and your pet

Most people have heard of diabetes, but few realize that diabetes is a disease that…

vet looking at dog ear
Ear mites and your pet

Ear mites, tiny but troublesome parasites, pose significant health risks to pets, primarily cats and…

applying ear drops to cat
Applying medication to your pet’s eyes and ears

Administering medication to your pet, especially in sensitive areas like the ears and eyes, can…

Does commercial pet food provide sufficient nutrition?

We would all like to believe that pet food industry, or some government agency, is…

Dogs and cats need healthy teeth and gums

Your pet’s dental care is important; it is an integral part of your pet's health.…

Campylobacter Infection and Animals

Campylobacteriosis is a bacterial disease caused by Campylobacter jejuni or Campylobacter coli. Campylobacter usually causes…