Common house plants that could be toxic to your pet

Got a green thumb? Does your landscaping look marvelous? Do your houseplants thrive? As good as it makes you feel to look at all those healthy, lush plants, be aware that some of our favorite ones are anything but healthy for our pets.

Innocuous and ubiquitous English ivy is a killer -- a regular botanical 007. We use it for ground cover; it's in nearly every green arrangement from a florist, it's an easy houseplant to hang up in a window or let drape down off of the bomber chest in the foyer. The leaves and berries can cause severe stomach irritation, labored breathing, diarrhea, coma and death.

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7 tips for optimal pet health

Being either a cat owner or a dog owner you will most likely know these 7 tips. But study shows that you are probably not aware of the importance of each them so in order for your pet to have the best possible health condition I am here to remind you.

1- Amount of exercise: Both cats and dogs need physical activity. Movement is vital to any pet and the larger pet the more exercise is needed. That is why dogs will often require more exercise than cats.

2- Way to exercise: If your cat is a stay at home cat you will need to take it out into nature. If you live in a big city you must take it for daily walks. All dogs (even the smaller ones) will need at least one daily walk and for larger breeds you need two or three walks a day of at least 30 minutes.

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Do you have pet insurance?

Despite the vast number of pet owners in the U.S., a huge percentage of them, believe it or not, do not have any form of pet insurance; these animals are, however, generally considered a part of the family - a family for whom every other member has insurance. We don't hesitate to purchase health insurance for ourselves; should we be forgiven for not caring enough about our pets then?

Contrary to popular belief, pet insurance is an important monthly expense; pet owners soon learn how costly it is when they require treatment if they haven't taken out any pet insurance. No area is immune for price increases and vets fees are no exception.

So other than rising costs, what are the main reasons you should consider cover for your pets? Anyone who owns a domestic animal needs to be prepared for health problems occasionally; this invariably happens at the worst times, financially.

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Discovering a new ear mite treatment for pets

Anyone with a pet notices when something is obviously wrong. Scratching of the ear can mean anything such as an infection, a growth or mites. First impulse is to make a quick trip to a veterinarian. However when examination determines that ear mites are the problem then one can to try to find an ear mite treatment for pets.

These mites spread very easily from one animal to another and, if there are more than one animal in a house, they should also be examined to see if they have this same problem. Living in the ear canal, they live on ear wax and sometimes blood in that area. When chewing up this material they produce a brown, crumbly, coffee-like material. After removing this from the ear, careful examination will show small, white mites. They are as small as a typed period.

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10 Fast facts about fleas

At just 1/16” to 1/8” long, fleas may be tiny little creatures, but they can have a huge impact on the warm-blooded animals sharing their environment. Here are some other interesting fun flea facts (say that five times fast!!):

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How to Feed Your Pet

Many of us have gotten spoiled just leaving bowls of food (and water) down so that our pets can nibble or sip whenever they choose throughout the day. But is this really the best way to feed them? There are two schools of thought about the best way to feed your pet. Keep in mind, what works best for one animal, may not work well for another.

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