Give your cat a Fall tune up

Many people take their car for spring and fall tune-ups, but autumn is also a great time to schedule a check-up for your furry friend, especially if they’re over the age of ten. Most veterinarians recommend annual check-ups for non-senior pets and biannual check-ups for pets considered senior.* (The age that a pet is considered older varies by species and even by breed.) I’ve found that spring and fall are great times to schedule an all around check-ups for senior pets. My “junior” pets have their check-ups each spring so that their shots will be up-to-date before summer travel and to make sure they’re ready for the challenge of summer adventures like hiking and trips to the beach.

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Best Ways To Protect Pets in Their Old Age

It’s a fact of life: everyone grows older, even your beloved pets. As your cat or dog ages, you must do your best to ensure that it does not suffer from complex injuries or aches and pains. Here are tips on the best ways to protect pets in their old age.

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