How Fresh, Brackish, and Saltwater Tanks Differ

A tank’s salinity can be the most critical factor when it comes to the health and safety of your fish. Too much or too little salt can affect the wellness of your new friend. However, measuring the initial salinity isn’t quite enough. Knowing how fresh, brackish, and saltwater tanks differ in their setup can help you understand exactly what you need.

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Tips for Introducing Invertebrates Into a Reef Aquarium

Invertebrates are vital to the continued success of a balanced, healthy aquarium ecosystem. Since they feed on many smaller algae and waste particles, they’re the perfect ways to manage excessive algae growth and ensure that all your marine pets get the nutrients they need. But if you’re going to get them to thrive in your tank, you need to know how to properly acclimate them. Here are our tips for introducing invertebrates into a reef aquarium.

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Tips for Turning Your Aquarium Into an Underwater Paradise

Putting together a freshwater tank can be deceptively easy. Creating the right ecosystem for your freshwater fish friends requires work and attention to detail. Read on to discover a few tips for turning your aquarium into an underwater paradise!

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Tips and Tricks for Cat-Proofing Your Aquarium

If you own a cat and an aquarium, you probably already know the struggles of having to keep your furry friend from trying to catch itself a snack. For those unaware, cats love getting into things they’re not supposed to, and they can see aquariums as a live dinner and a show. Thankfully, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to cat-proof your aquarium so that you never have to choose one pet over the other.

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Do Persian cats need a special diet?

Ah, the beloved Persian cat! Why do people love them so? It's easy – the are gorgeous cats that come in a wide range of lovely colors and have gentle and sweet personalities to match. They are a good choice for most families although along with all this loveliness comes a few considerations. It should be taken into consideration that they do require more grooming than the average short-haired cat, they can occasionally be picky eaters and can have sensitive tummies. But the question is – do they need to eat a special diet formulated just for Persians?

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6 Pets your kids will love

Introducing a pet into the family home can have a number of fantastic benefits for children. Not only will it help teach them...

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