Can my dog be allergic to fleas?

If you have a dog that is driving you crazy up all night chewing and itching, then he most likely is suffering from an allergy to fleas. Sounds ridiculous but it's more common than you think. For some dogs, this can turn into a serious problem, especially if left untreated.

Flea allergies in dogs can begin as early as puppies but seems to be most prevalent in older adult dogs. Adult fleas will not live for a long time if they are not on a dog or cat. But that doesn't really reassure you now does it?

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How to Prevent and Treat Fleas and Ticks

Flea and tick preventative for animals is an important part of being a diligent pet owner. As a carrier and victim of these parasites, dogs and cats can easily face multiple problems, whether infested or simply bitten by one. Fortunately, quality flea and tick preventative for animals is readily available to protect pets from a wide range of health issues.

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