Golden Retriever dog breed history, personality and measurements

Description: The Golden Retriever is a sturdy, muscular, athletic dog developed originally for use in hunting. The dog must be between 22 and 24 inches at the withers and weighs 65-75 pounds.

Height of the dog should be 20-22 cm and weighs 55-65 pounds. Coat golden retriever can be wavy or straight, medium length. The undercoat, and because the jacket is waterproof. Coat color varies from shades of beige, very light to dark.

History: Lord Tweedmouth is primarily responsible for developing the Golden Retriever breed. He wanted to breed dogs that would be capable of hunting in the rugged Scottish countryside. As the weather in Scotland is often inclement, he wanted a dog that would not be hampered by extreme conditions.

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How to train your Golden Retriever puppy

Golden Retriever puppies are one of the most popular choices of dog breeds among people who are looking for a family pet. One of the reasons for this is that they are not only very attractive, but they are also one of the easiest dogs to train because they are so intelligent. Training your new Golden Retriever puppy from an early age will help to keep your dog safe and make sure that he or she fits in with the family properly allowing you to build a lasting bond with your new puppy. Let's take a look at how to go about training a golden retriever puppy.

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