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Discover dog training tips you must know before training your dog

Training your dog is the first step in strengthening the bond between you and your dog and getting full enjoyment out of your relationship with your pup. Obedience training is important regardless of what type of dog you own. Without proper training you run the risk of having your dog display bad behaviors and not act like the “good boy” you are hoping for!

It’s important that you remember that with any dog training program you want to approach it as though you are a teacher to your dog. You don’t want to be a ruthless enforcer just as much as you don’t want to let your dog think that he or she is in charge! Remember – you are teaching your pooch how to behave and become a well-behaved dog that will make any dog owner jealous.

If you have ever debated between training your pooch on your own or hiring a professional dog trainer, it’s an easy answer. There’s no better person than you to train your dog and grow the relationship between the two of you.

Effective dog training requires a battleplan. I included a link at the bottom of this article so you can get a full dog-training program you can use at home, but for now here are a few tips to keep in mind when starting to work with your pooch.

Whenever you are training your dog you want them to be in the righ mindset and not be distracted. For this reason make sure that they don’t need to go to the washroom and you should also try not to feed them directly before a training session. Just like humans, it’s easy for dogs to get sluggish right after a meal.

By doing this you are eliminating a few potentials distractions that could stand in the way of training.

Another tip is to have a little play time before you jump into training. This makes your dog relaxed and more receptive towards you.

And as you might have expected, doggie treats are a part of any training program! Your dog loves to be rewarded when he or she does something right. Don’t go overboard and give 3 dozen treats each time – save them for when your pooch has truly earned it so he or she knows what they did right.

It’s normal for your dog to run off every now and then during your training. Don’t go in a frenzy and chase after them. Simply call him back using an authoritative tone to call him back and keep working on your training when you have his attention again.

Don’t let yourself get frustrated if your dog appears to be lost at times. Sometimes they just won’t understand what you are trying to teach them at first – however getting mad won’t solve the problem. You should look to improve the way you communicate with your dog instead.

You may have to help him out and physically show him what you want him to do. There are times that it might be frustrating, but this will get a whole lot easier over time. It will pay off in the long run!

Starting a dog training program with your pup is an incredible way to make your dog the best behaved pooch on the block and build an amazing relationship with your dog. Once you get started you will see just how rewarding it can be. All the best!

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