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The Havanese breeder and what you should know

A pet store cannot give you the attention and information you need to have when selecting your Havanese puppy. Therefore, it is best to go directly to the breeder as this also allows you to see where the puppy comes from. In a pet store, you would never know if that puppy came from a puppy mill or other terrible circumstances, which could lead to behavior problems.

Pet store employees are not focused solely on learning about the Havanese puppies they get in, as they have many more animals to sell and other responsibilities within the store. So, they may only be able to tell you the basics such as how big they might get and how long they are expected to live.

But to truly prepare yourself for a Havanese puppy you need much more knowledge then that. And this is why going to a Havanese breeder is the best option for you.

If you have never owned a Havanese puppy before, it cannot be stressed enough that you must talk with and buy from an experienced and professional Havanese Breeders instead of purchasing your puppy from a pet store

It is best to prepare a list of questions you have just to make sure that you don’t get caught up in the moment of picking out a cute puppy instead of educating yourself in what their history is and what to expect from the Havanese. Make sure you investigate the puppies home and surroundings so that you know your puppy is not coming from a puppy mill. The breeder should have plenty of love for the pups and Havanese information for you to review and think over and this is not something that you will find with pet store employees.

Time is really what you need to give yourself when deciding you are ready to select a Havanese puppy. You want to make sure that you are selecting not just the right puppy for you but the right avanese breeder as well. Not paying close attention to a breeder’s lack of love or knowledge about the dog can lead to several serious situations down the road. It is always best to try and avoid surprises with the ownership of your Havanese. And surprises are all you will get from a Havanese bought from a pet store.

You want to avoid costly vet bills that arise because you were not properly informed of the Havanese and their special needs, if any, or because they came from a puppy mill and were poorly treated in the beginning. Make sure you take a list with you and do not allow yourself to feel pressure from a breeder.

You should be allowed to inspect the home of the puppy to see what in kind of environment it has been living. Take your time, ask questions, and pick your puppy with care and you shall have a happy life with your new Havanese puppy.

Fiona Kelly

Fiona Kelly hopes to be a Havanese dog in the next life and so is learning all she can about Havanese breeding, care and grooming in this one. This article is meant to be a trusted source of pet advice, including that of Havanese care and breeding. Informing the public of the best Havanese information will make owners less likely to abandon their pets.

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