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The importance of proper Rottweiler grooming

The Rottweiler is a great dog with a fantastic coat, and although grooming does not need to be frequent, it is still very important. Taking care of your dog’s coat, teeth and nails is incredibly important for a variety of reasons. It is important to recognize how much proper grooming is going to affect your dog, in a positive way. By keeping your dog looking his best you will be having a great influence on the way he feels and on his behavior in general.
Whether you are interested in getting a Rottweiler or already have one, they make a great pet. Rottweilers are a really fantastic breed and not only are they incredibly loyal and great watchdogs, but beautiful as well. Your Rottweiler loves you and you should offer it the same care and affection back. This means performing proper and regular Rottweiler grooming, which includes their fur, nails and teeth.

There are a few things that should be done frequently and others that only need to be done now and again when it comes to your Rottweiler. Once a week you should spend about fifteen minutes giving your dog a thorough grooming session. This includes handling his paws and body. You should look in their ears for dirt, parasites and irritation, and lift their lips to look at their teeth and gums. Feel their coat and check and massage their skin, feeling for bumps as you move your hands over their hips, legs, chest and head.

There are also other things to worry about when it comes to Rottweiler grooming. Teeth and nails for instance, which tend to be the parts of a Rottweiler’s daily grooming that most owners neglect. The best way to maintain your Rottweiler’s nails is to make sure they get outside and get walked regularly, as this will help keep their nails short and strong. You also want to clip their nails regularly, to help avoid ingrown toenails and toe disease.

Teeth typically require a bit more maintenance, and tarter causes gum disease just as often in dogs as it does in humans, so it is important to watch out for this. You should start brushing your Rottweiler’s teeth on a regular basis when they are just a puppy, so that they will become accustomed to it and actually begin to enjoy it as they get older rather than have it be a chore all the time.

In general, Rottweilers require very little maintenance, especially when compared to other breeds of dogs. There are however, still many things that need to be done in terms of grooming your Rottweiler in order to ensure that they feel and look as good as possible. It is important that you start grooming your dog when it is a puppy, as this way it will become accustomed and comfortable with bathing, and will actually enjoy it in the future.

The Rottweiler is a great breed of dog, and if you want to ensure they live the longest and healthiest life possible, then proper grooming is going to be a major part of this. Believe it or not, one of the most important reasons you should groom your dog is because it will help their physical state of mind. It will affect how they feel as well as the way they act, so it is important that you take it seriously and keep up with it as well.

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