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Keeping a Bichon Frise healthy

Every owner places great importance on his or her own dog’s health. You can ensure your dog remains a healthy member of your family for years to come by caring for your Bichon Frise’s health. To increase your dogs mental and physical health there are several activities you can use. The best way to improve Bichon Frise health is through proper training.

You can give your dog a mental workout with just two or three five minute training sessions a day that help them to be calmer and more contented. With the Bichon Frise it is best for you to use a positive reinforcement training method. You can sign up for dog training classes in order to learn the basics before moving on to more challenging training options. Even after your dog has mastered everything else you can still come up with new tricks to teach them. One option is to use items around your house to create new obstacle courses. By doing this you will help to keep your Bichon Frise entertained and mentally healthy.

For their physical health it is important that you give them proper exercise. Being a small breed, the Bichon Frise needs a moderate amount of exercise especially since it is not a very athletic dog. For the Bichon Frise it is best to take them on leash walks as often as possible, the walks should be steady with a moderate pace to help their heart, muscles and joints. A minimum amount of activity that you should aim for is two walks everyday, for at least a half a mile each walk.

If you have a dog that is restless or misbehaving for no specific reason then you should either take them for extra walks or just walk a longer distance. You will also want to find a safe location where you can take your Bichon Frise off the leash and let them run free once in a while. If you live in an apartment without a yard then you can consider a friend’s property, an empty schoolyard or a dog park if it isn’t too crowded.

What you feed you dog is the final aspect of Bichon Frise health that you should consider. At mealtime everyone tries to give their dog a quality dog food, however most don’t pay attention to the treats they are giving their dog. If you are using treats to reward correct behavior or in training sessions then a few treats between meals is fine.

While a few treats between meals are fine, especially if you are using them to reward correct behavior or in training, you also don’t want to give too many treats.

Too many treats can cause your dog to have a weight problem, which results in health problems from the strain that is placed on the muscles, joints and circulatory system. Consider giving healthy treats such as small pieces of vegetables and fruit instead of cookies. However, you want to avoid grapes since they can be toxic to some dogs.

Using cooked, fresh or frozen vegetables will not only allow your dog to get treats but is will also help them to benefit from the nutrition and fiber.

Mary Stevenson

As a dog owner and lover, Mary Stevenson understands that no matter what breed you are looking for you need to take your time and ask lots of questions when you are looking for a breeder. There are many Bichon Frise breeders out there you just have to know how to find the right one. The best idea is to learn as much Bichon Frise information as you can and then go looking for a breeder, so that you can make the most informed and intelligent decision.

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