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Puppy barking is a puppy’s way of communicating

Puppy barking is perfectly natural for canines. As natural as birds sing, puppies bark, whine, and sometimes howl. If you are one devoted dog owner, you’ll know you will experience barking, whining and howling at any time. It would be totally impossible and unfair to wish to train your puppy to stop barking at all. However, it is really ideal for you, your neighbors, as well as your dog, if barking fits can be placed under control.

Why barking starts

Socially isolated or confined dogs who have not had supervised exercise for long periods will need some kind of outlet for their pent up energy. A dog who is alone all day is more likely to take up barking as a hobby because there is nobody to control him and make him stop. Pretty soon, barking will become an enjoyable habit for him or her. And for a great number of dogs, once they start barking, they continue to do so just for the sheer fun of doing it.

You may have trained your dog to bark too much by accident. You obey your dog when he speaks. When the dog barks, you let him out. When he barks again, you let him back in. A puppy quickly learns that barking earns him a snack; they bark and they get rewarded. A puppy gets attention from you by barking. For this reason, it is easy for barking to become a habit. After all, the puppy wants your attention, and if he barks, he gets your attention. Of course, if your dog is not barking, you won’t be reminded to give him treats, praises, and other reinforcement.

Exercises and Puppy Barking

If you want to reduce the amount your puppy barks and give yourself, your household, and your neighbors a little peace, it is important that you understand why your puppy barks. Usually a puppy will bark because it is afraid, bored, lonely, or frustrated. Behavioral problems are usually alleviated when you are spending more time with your new puppy. If your puppy is happy, contented and adequately exercised, he will probably spend the day napping when you are not at home. Try to take the time to give your puppy exercise, playtime, and proper training.

Puppy obedience training is as tiresome a mental exercise for dogs as it is for humans. Most puppies and dogs enjoy, wild rapid paced and exciting games such as “come here”, “sit”, “stay”, “heel”, but you can make it more rewarding by saying come here for a hug, a massage and other praise and treats. Don’t let your puppy get bored with training.

Dogs that live in a backyard also need some socializing time. Puppy barking will lessen if you walk them around your neighborhood. Puppies find daily walks an adventure because of all the exciting sounds and smells they can investigate when they are outdoors. Running around the yard like a crazy dog is a normal thing for a dog or puppy to do, but it does not count as puppy exercise. Your dog is pacing and fidgeting in the same way you would when nervous. Be sure your dog or puppy has something to do to keep busy. Puppies love to have chew toys for puppy biting, and big dogs enjoy a digging pit.

Canines are social animals. Like humans, they also seek friends and companions. Take your dog to a dog park daily or weekly and let them mingle with the other dogs. Romping and playing together all day will tire them out easily and will help them sleep happily while recovering from the hard play and great exercise session.


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