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Ways to puppy training success

People are naturally excited when they bring home a bouncy young puppy dog for the first time. The have evolved over thousands of years to look cute and to pull on our heartstrings. It's hard not to fall for those big eyes and clumsy seemingly over sized paws that it struggles to control. Puppies are enormous fun and can bring an amazing amount of pleasure to the life of a family, but they are also a huge responsibility. It goes without saying that no one should purchase a puppy without thinking through all the implications for their life and that of a family. One of the first responsibilities placed on a new dog owner is that of puppy training.

So many puppies are bought on a whim. It is a sad fact that many puppies get neglected after the initial excitement has worn off. These dogs then get turned out and often end up in rescue centers. Some have very short lives indeed. This is why it is extremely important that the responsibility of dog ownership is properly considered before buying a baby dog.

Breeds differ wildly. This will have implications for training. Terriers for instance are headstrong and willful. A confrontational approach would be counter productive. While owners will be keen to begin training their new animal straight away it is important to remember that the dog will be extremely confused and stressed in its first days in the new home. It will also be seeking guidance and protection from a strong figure.

Gaining the new dog's attention is the first task. Luckily, it will want to respond to its new owner. The owner should talk to the dog, be bright and cheerful and expressive. Keep repeating its name over and over again until it begins to respond. It will do this through its own volition in no time at all.

Consistency is the key. It may seem boring but repetition is the means by which the animal will learn what is required. Confused signals should be avoided. There are still some punishment based programs promoted however most dog welfare organizations are against these and research shows that reward based programs are the best approach to take.

Tricks and commands can easily be built into the new regime. One popular trick is to teach a dog to high five its owner. Other more traditional tricks can be useful for managing the animal's behavior. Basic commands such as sit, stay and fetch are all useful. Too much training too soon can be detrimental to the dog's happiness. It can be tired and young dogs have short attention spans.

Classes are available for puppies that can help an owner with puppy training, ensuring that the dog becomes well adjusted, socialized and a valued part of the family.

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