Puppy Checklist: Gear You’ll Need for Your New Dog
Puppy Checklist: Gear You’ll Need for Your New Dog

Before you bring home a new puppy, it’s crucial to purchase the right gear. Adequate preparation for your new four-legged family member ensures not only their comfort and happiness but…

The Benefits of Using Personalized Dog Collars

As a dog owner, you strive to give your furry friend the best care, love, and attention. While you might already invest in high-quality food, toys, and grooming supplies, there’s…

Essential Dog Hunting Gear You Should Know About

Are you thinking about going hunting with your dog? It’s a wonderful way to bond, and many dog breeds were bred to handle the intensity of the sport. Before you…

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My dog bed adventure

When I got my first dog, I thought getting all his gear would be simple and straight forward; dog bed, grooming kit, food, lead, collar, you know, the usual stuff.…

Halloween dog costumes

Your pet dog is an integral part of your family and as Halloween is knocking at the door, you can make your dog feel special by dressing him up on…

dog collars vs harness
Dog harnesses vs dog collars?

There always seems to be a question of which tool is best for walking, training, etc. As a dog owner, you may be wondering whether the dog collar or dog…

Breed specific dog collars

Dog collars can be customized to fit your specific style or need. One fun way to show off your dog is to invest in a breed specific dog collar. Breed…

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The all new fashion fads – Dog clothing

So, you thought that this was only you who could stock different clothing items in your wardrobe? Well, not really! Your pet too has many options to choose from in…

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Finding the perfect personalized dog collar

One thing is for sure, you will be able to find just the right personalized dog collar for your dog, as they come in so many different shapes, sizes, and…

dog in bed
Locating the perfect designer dog bed

Diamond accessories. Fine lamb's wool sweaters. Gucci pet carriers. In recent years many stylish products have hit the pet supplies marketplace, and designer dog beds are just one of the…