Dogs have spring fever just like humans. We all want to spend time outside with the fresh air after the long winter months. Read on to discover a handful of excellent springtime activities to enjoy with your dog when the weather warms up.
Plan a Puppy Playdate
Meet one of your dog’s favorite friends at a dog park, a dog-friendly beach, or at their home for a fun spring playdate for the dogs. The pups will enjoy playing with each other, and you can enjoy the company. If you’re up for it, you can invite a few dogs over to play at your house. Ensure you have enough treats on hand so that everyone can have fun together!
Go on a Hike
Dogs love being outdoors, as it’s a chance to take in all the sights and smells. Hiking is the perfect way for both to enjoy exercise and breathe in the fresh air. It doesn’t have to be a whole day affair, either. Hike for 30 minutes and then stop at a dog-friendly restaurant to replenish and relax with your fluffy pal.
A Game of Fetch
Grab a frisbee or a few tennis balls and head out to a wide-open field for a game of fetch with your best friend. Fetch is a fantastic way to sharpen your dog’s eye-mouth coordination while appreciating the time spent outdoors. Remember to protect your pup’s feet if you spend much time playing or walking on hot asphalt.
Head to the Beach
Most dogs adore the water! While your fur baby is splashing around having the time of their life, you can soak up the sunshine. The early spring is the perfect time to visit and dodge the summer crowds! If you have a dog-friendly beach nearby, head out to enjoy a beach day with your pup as the weather warms.
Create an Agility Course
If you have enough space in your yard, consider taking the time to put together an obstacle course for your pet. Use items you have around the house to make something simple but mentally stimulating and physically fun for your dog. These items can include:
- Hula hoops
- Boxes
- Lawn chairs
These are a few ideas to get you started. Make sure the obstacles you choose won’t harm you or your pet and have plenty of treats to reward your dog when they successfully complete the course you create!
These excellent springtime activities to enjoy with your dog make for fantastic warm-weather fun. Your dog will appreciate the bonding time, and you’ll welcome the time outdoors. Don’t forget to schedule a professional grooming appointment to get your pup cleaned up after a day spent outdoors, especially if you both spend time in the water! Plus, a quick appointment will help your dog shed their winter coat and make the most of the changing weather.