Me & My Pal - Jim Hurley's time in life with his red & white setter - Pal

If you take a trip down to Roche's Point and see a man walking his dog along the beach, chances are that the man is Jim Hurley; his dog, Pal. In October 1997, Jim Hurley bought a red & white setter pup, brought him home and, from that moment on, canine & companion were inseparable. 'I'd always had dogs,' Jim tells the East Cork Journal, 'but this one was truly special.' Little did Jim know, that three and a half years later, this particular dog would save his life.

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Are air purifiers good for pet allergies?

Most people in the West have a pet: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a rabbit or a parrot. They are good company and doctors believe that having a pet lowers stress and stress is the biggest killer in the West. Keeping a pet helps you live longer. It is a real pity then that some people develop allergies to their pets.

If you or someone in your close family has developed an allergy to a family pet, it can be a tricky problem to solve. Especially if you have young children. Young children become attached to pets very quickly, so the obvious answer to the problem - getting rid of it - is not always an option. If this is your quandary, help is at hand.

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Pets found to be good to reduce stress

When thinking of ways to reduce stress in life, usually techniques like meditation, yoga and journaling come to mind. These are immense techniques. But getting a new best friend can also have many stress relieving and health benefits. Unless you're someone who really dislikes animals or is absolutely too busy to care for one properly, pets can provide excellent social support, stress relief and other health benefits-perhaps more than people! There are more health benefits of pets:

Pets Can Improve Your Mood: For those who love animals, it's virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. Research supports the mood-enhancing benefits of pets.

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Betty Boop - A Canine Christmas Miracle

Betty Boop is my ten-year-old designer breed/mutt, who came to me with severe neurological disorders. When I drove to Anaheim to pick up Betty Boop, I knew she was a special-needs dog. I also knew that I could help. I was determined to improve the quality of her health and her life with good nutrition and positive thinking. But I was unaware of her blindness, unaware of the seizures to come, unaware of the water on her brain, the necessary medicines, and ultimately the amount of care this tiny puppy would require. I was also unaware of the qualities I would soon discover in myself, qualities that Betty Boop would help reveal.

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Service dog training helps those in need

A service dog is a dog is trained for help, especially to help folks with categorical disabilities, including visual or hearing impairment. For that reason, service canine training is crucial to provide these dogs with the skills that they need to help people with incapacities.

Service dog obedience training can be used with the intention of:

Psychiatric Dogs: Service canine obedience training is used to assist owners that have psychological or psychiatric disabilities, including bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, autism, and anxiety defects.

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8 ways to reduce your dog's carbon paw print

I’d imagine that looking after the environment is pretty far down on your dog’s to-do list - it certainly falls behind activities such as running around outside, barking at postmen and chewing your favourite shoes to pieces. Consequently, it’s down to you to be green on their behalf!

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