Does your dog have separation anxiety?

Does your dog miss you too much when you're away at work, shopping, visiting or whatever? It's normal for them to miss you some, and it's not uncommon for them to have some serious problems with being left alone. This can cause you both some distress.

If they go over the top when left on their own, they probably have what's commonly known as separation anxiety, which is also common in small children. Here are some ideas to help you both cope when you're away and make it easier.

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Training your puppy to follow your instructions

Dog training can be a learning experience for your dog, but you can also learn other important things, as well. This article can help you make the most of training your dog. You will find that your time spent training your dog will have benefits for both of you, for years to come.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to never play tug-of-war style games with it. This only enforces aggressive behavior - something that you rarely wish to bring out in your dog. This can involve anything from pulling on a bone in your dog's mouth to playing with a toy. You also run the risk of injuring your dog with excessive force.

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Nipping and play biting

Nipping - the playful biting and mouthing of your hands and clothes by your dog - is particularly common among puppies, but can also occur in older dogs that haven't been taught proper bite inhibition. It's natural for dogs to mouth and nip. They explore the world using their mouths - to a dog, his mouth is as important as eyes and hands are to us. Nipping is very different from true aggression: it's a form of communication, interaction, exploration, and play. From birth, pups use their mouths to explore the den, their mother, and their littermates. From a few weeks old, they use their mouths to play with their siblings: puppies play by biting and mouthing each other. Some adult dogs - usually, those with owners who encourage rough play, or who were removed from the litter at too early an age - retain these same tendencies to nip during play and in moments of emotional duress.

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Discover if it is time to hire a dog agility trainer

Dog agility training and tournaments are spectacles and activities exactly where actual dogs highlight their expertise and speed. Dogs will mug as much as pay attention nicely to their masters, even deprived of the presence of owner clinging on the tether. They'll study approaches such as going via tunnels, down and up seesaws, coping with mazes, and etcetera. These actions are all stuffs dogs perform in shows. The dog agility trainer facilitates your dog to master these commands.
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Controlling aggressive behavior in German Shepherds

There are numerous possible causes of aggressive behavior in dogs. It may be as a result of dominance related issue between your dog, or it may be a trigger that was never properly handled from puppyhood - for example, a panic attack with a different dog. Whatever causes your canine's aggression, however, you have to address it as soon as you possibly can. The outcomes of prolonged aggression could be not just scary, but dangerous otherwise quickly come to the task.

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How to puppy-proof your home

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! It is usually an exciting time for a household bringing home a new puppy dog. But it may also mean the start of a stressful, sleepless time for the family. This stress can be lessened by taking the time to properly prep your home for the new arrival. The key is to do an intensive job of this before you bring puppy home. Naturally there are always things puppy will get into that are trickier to anticipate, but here are some pointers that will stop most accidents in your home.

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