No puppy! Dog training to stop biting

Coaching your dog to stop biting does not need to occur after a biting incident, it would need to start from when your dog is a puppy. The earlier training begins the less probable it is that a bite will occur. But, even dogs that are loving and sweet may one day have a biting incident. Training your dog early will help to prevent it, but it will never give a 100% guarantee that there will never be a biting incident.

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Aggressive dog behavior: What it really means

Aggressive dog behavior doesn't happen out of the blue. Because we don't understand dog language though, we may think that dog aggression is unreasonable. It is important to understand that the first step to solving problem behavior among dogs is to first understand the reasons behind them.

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How to raise your Shih Tzu pup

250px-shih_tzuNow that you have brought your Shih Tzu pup home it is time to start getting your pup to understand the rules of the house and how you want your new dog to behave. Whoa! Slow down there. The Shih Tzu is descended from dogs preferred by Chinese royalty and they maintain that regal air to this day. They carry themselves very well, they have a strong air of confidence, and they are very stubborn and arrogant dogs. This is not going to be easy.

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How to stop your dog chewing using simple tips

ChewingMany dog owners have experienced having their TV remotes, carpets, furniture, shoes and clothes being chewed on or ripped off into pieces by their cute, huggable and vigorous little dog. It is painstakingly heartbreaking, I know! But, chewing can be a habit that your dog acquires because of boredom, anxiety, or even frustration. It doesn't matter why your dog chews, the behavior can be risky to your dog and can become very costly for you. Now here are some simple techniques and tips for you.

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Control your dog's barking

Barking is as normal to dogs as talking is to humans. Trying to curb dog barking altogether would be like trying to stop someone to talk forever! It's impossible and it's not exactly a nice thing to do. But we have to admit, excessive barking (much like excessive talking) is totally irritating-not just to you but to your family, your hot neighbor, the children at play, the mailman, and every one else who can hear it.

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Method for housetraining your dog

Housetraining your dog is the first things you should engage in upon adoption. Either having a new puppy or an older dog, there is no reason for you not to appropriately housetrain your beloved dog. Actually, every year, a lot of dogs are forced to look for new homes every time their current owners does not succeed in their housetraining duty and become weary of the dog having accidents in their home. But before you start, remember that it will take some time and tons of dedication for both of you, so you should promise to give your dog with the proper attention during this process.

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