Puppy training your new little companion can be fun for both of you!

Puppy training should be started as soon as puppy comes home. Immediately showing your new puppy that his potty is outside is crucial in beginning the process of potty training. The process will not likely be fast, but the efforts and your patience will be well worth it.

Choose one particular site in your yard as your puppy's potty. You can put plants or flowers around the area to make it look better. This is a good way to show help your puppy to remember where his own potty is.

Teaching the command "outside" is very important. You should say this command loudly to your puppy when he pees or poops inside. Then you will have to pick him up and run outside with him to make him finish going potty in his puppy training area. Then you will praise him for actually going on the potty.

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