Why should you be concerned with what your cat eats

Cats are fascinating creatures with unique dietary needs that must be carefully managed to ensure their health and well-being. As obligate carnivores, their diet requires a particular focus on animal-based proteins. However, navigating the complexities of feline nutrition can be challenging, especially with the plethora of food options available. This article aims to provide a detailed guide on what to feed your cat, the dangers of certain foods, and how to address common dietary concerns.

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Do rendering plants have an impact on your cat's food?

cat_food_scaled_thumbThere are several hundred Rendering Plants across the U.S. They quietly dispose of millions of tons of dead animals, meat waste and fat. What is commonly found in rendering plants?

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Should you trust your veterinarian's nutritional advice

Many pet care-givers are convinced that Veterinarians are highly trained to dispense nutritional advice. Their beliefs are so strong that they never second guess it. Cats owners opinion of Vets is so engrained that they never even think that this belief could be wrong.

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Where do you turn for your cat's nutrition

Many pet care-givers are convinced that Veterinarians are highly trained to dispense nutritional advice. Their beliefs are so strong that they never second guess it. Cats owners opinion of Vets is so engrained that they never even think that this belief could be wrong.

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