Tips for keeping your pup's teeth clean

You brush your teeth regularly -- or at least we hope you do. It's just one of those things that we take for granted on a daily basis so our teeth don't rot out and we don't send others scurrying for a gas mask when they're required to hold a face to face conversation with us. Furry green teeth aren't exactly a chick (or guy) magnet either and have probably been used as grounds for divorce at some time.

So why do we tend to discount taking care of our dogs' choppers?

Good -- even reasonable dental hygiene can make a difference in their lives, but more importantly, poor periodontal health is likely to have a devastating effect. Build up of

tartar and plaque below the gum line opens the way for bacteria to invade the bloodstream and can affect major organs, particularly the liver and kidneys, where the blood is filtered and wastes are accumulated for processing and removal.

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