Cat litter boxes: Is one choice better than another?

Choices of cat litter boxes are numerous. Making a decision between them all is not easy to do. But, the primary consideration always has to be your individual pet.

If you already have a litter box, you do need to exercise caution in changing the style as cats can be very particular. However, if you are just getting a cat for the first time or are adding to your pet family, you can opt for something different. Also, if your cat is not using the litter box, it may be because he is not happy with the choice you made.

The main question you need to decide is hooded or unhooded. Many people prefer the hooded boxes. They hide the unsightly urine and feces and also end up with less litter outside the box. However, you need to take care that you are not using the hooded box to cut down on the smell. Litter boxes should be cleaned once or twice a day so there is no smell for either you or your pets.

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